Saturday, June 13, 2009

In honor to Saint Anthony

(Above the iconic image of St. Anthony, baby Jesus, the book and  a lilly. Oil in canvas painted by Guercino - 1656.)

June, 13th is a festive day for many catholics all over the world. I am not a 24hrs catholic but my love for many saints remains intact regardless my frustration and deception about the catholic church.  
In The US many street festivals will be hold by the italians in honor to the saint.
In Brazil we also celebrate Valentine's Day.
So, today I am heading to Lancaster to take candles and flowers to Saint Anthony , my beloved friend.
Do you know that his original name was Fernando de Bulhoes?!  How wonderful is that!?!

"Santo Antonio de pemba,
Caminhou 7 anos aa procura de um anjo,
Ate que encontrou,
Mas como caminhou, meu Santo Antonio...
mas como caminhou meu Santo Antonio... "

(public domain)

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