Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Flashes of my exhibition in New York

My artistic debut in New York was incredible and so much happened in the first 3 days of the past week that I have decided to post as many pictures as possible so it speaks by itself and I don't have to write huge paragraphs and then this post will become very boring.

The 1st Bahia Week in New York 2009 was amazing . Like a patchwork panel it displayed several facets of the African legacy in Brazil and its influence - we could never be what we are if wasn't for this powerful heritage. I was profoundly proud to be part of it and to have the opportunity to meet incredible Brazilian artists living in the US and to find that we have so much in common and share similar dreams.

We were blessed by a sunny and blue sky.

The main window of our location - Chashama Gallery at 42st, bet 3rd and 2ND Ave.

"Orishas-Mother Nature" was the name of this art installation - a bridge between the Afro-Brazilian deities and the four elements: fire, air, earth and water.
Mannequins dressed as Oshoun - the goddess of freshwater and gold and Oshosi - the deity of hunting and plenty were choose to welcome guests. Perfect duet to express the colors of Brazil.
Um luuuuusho! (very chic!)

A second view of Oshosi - king of Ketu(on ancient times, a rich region of Nigeria-West Africa).

Window overall view.

Overall view of my display. In the background watercolors by Gallina and mannequins dressed as Shango- the god of thunder and Omolu- god of healing.

A second overall view of the floor center with my neckpieces and in the background a mannequin dressed as Oya-Yansa- the goddess of winds and lightning and watercolors by Gallina.

Guests arriving and the lighting/sound table in the back.

Guests and crew working.


Unknown said...

Fernando, parabenssssss. Muito lindo.

Anonymous said...

congratulation! I like the theme you chose..must have been fun to work on it!